Sunday, August 5, 2007

Yangming Shan, take 1

In the spirit of being more socially active and getting out to explore the city and its environs, the day after lunching from a bathtub, I decided to take to the mountains with my friend, Sharon, and her best friend since junior high school. Yangming Shan is a popular destination for Taipei residents looking to get a bit of fresh air, and now I know why. Sharon and her friend took us up to the grasslands at the top of one of the mountain ridges, which afforded us not only plenty of fresh air, but also plenty of midday Taiwan sun and an expansive view of the city. Despite the Chinese penchant for covering their hiking trails with stairs, it was great to get out and get some good summer activity exercise. Plus, I think I managed to sweat out every last drop of any toxin that may have entered my body in the past 20 or so years.

1 comment:

Nichol Alexander said...

great idea maria - can't wait to read the reports as they come out.