Sunday, August 12, 2007

Farewell, Cannon!

This is Cannon, my star swing student. He originally came to swing class because his roommate, who was supposed to come but didn't really want to, sent Cannon in his place. Well, Cannon picked up the steps quickly and really took to the dance in general, blossoming into a good, clear lead. In addition to being a good dancer, Cannon proved to be a priceless member of my little swing group, often helping explain the moves to others in class, staying after class to continue to practice with people and even meeting up with people outside of class to help them work on steps. Before I knew it, I found myself reaching for him whenever I needed a demonstration partner in class.

However, Cannon was a senior this past year, which meant that he'd be graduating and therefore would likely be unable to continue with swing. So, you can imagine my delight when he told me he'd been accepted into a master's program at NTUST - that meant two more years of dancing with Cannon! I was thrilled at the prospect of him sticking around, thinking I could cultivate him into a real dance partner. So, you can perhaps also imagine my extreme disappointment when he recently informed me he'd be doing his military service before starting his graduate studies (all males are required to do a year's military service here in Taiwan). Even though I know he'll be back after a year, he will be greatly missed in the interim :-( So, here's a big salute to Cannon for all of his help and enthusiasm - we'll miss you, Cannon!


Melissa Downham Photography said...

Maria I love hearing about your adventures! I'm knee deep in spit up and diapers right now so I could use a little entertainment!

Auxiliar said...

Whats up, have been meaning to respond to your email for quite some time. I am not the best with that. Since we last talked I have moved to West 136th st. and almost failed a summer class at Lehman, the former clearly more exciting. Anyway, would love to hang out when you come to NYC in September, and it sounds like your having a great time: Taipei looks beautiful!


Connie said...

Maria's adventures are always so interesting! They make me feel like I should so be in Taiwan which is my home country!!!! What am I doing here??

Miss you!